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  • Eng      
  •   香港新界葵涌葵福路晉昇工業大廈一座1638室
  •   9252 3126 (即時查詢或預約服務)
  •   info@silverconeng.com

Underground Utilities Detection services

1. Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (GPRS):

-By using of EM wave to detect underground metallic/non-metallic pipes and void. Frequency range from 2GHz to 250MHz which can penetrate 4m deep.


2. Cable Detection Services (active and passive)

-To provide Hong Kong Government Competent Person (CP) and equipment to locate the underground pipes and coal gas pipes in compliance with the provision of Cap 406. To ensure the project can be carried under safety condition.


3. Underground water supply leak detection services

- By using acoustic and Leak Noise correlation to identify the leakage location accurately.


4. High-pressure water jetting services and CCTV inspection

-High-pressure water jetting services can clear all kinds of blockages thoroughly clean various pipelines. We also provide CCTV inspection to investigate various pipelines for defects.